Good morning, I came across your blog quite by accident if there is such a thing and I'm interested in following your journey. I see that you have not posted in roughly a month. I hope all is well. I was wondering if you were going to share any particulars as far as what you are currently working on? You were very upfront on the details of your financial downfall, I would hope to share in the details of your rebirth as well. You mentioned that you have a wife. To what degree is she onboard with your goals? Sometimes a spouse (more times the wife) will tend to play it safe after a financial accident. Hopefully that is not the case with you and your wife. But if it is how are you addressing her concerns and wishes? Let me leave you with a litte joke. What is the difference between a woman with PMS and a Terrorist?.......You can negociate with a terrorist!...Best wishes for you and your success to come! Bill
Good morning, I came across your blog quite by accident if there is such a thing and I'm interested in following your journey. I see that you have not posted in roughly a month. I hope all is well. I was wondering if you were going to share any particulars as far as what you are currently working on? You were very upfront on the details of your financial downfall, I would hope to share in the details of your rebirth as well. You mentioned that you have a wife. To what degree is she onboard with your goals? Sometimes a spouse (more times the wife) will tend to play it safe after a financial accident. Hopefully that is not the case with you and your wife. But if it is how are you addressing her concerns and wishes? Let me leave you with a litte joke. What is the difference between a woman with PMS and a Terrorist?.......You can negociate with a terrorist!...Best wishes for you and your success to come! Bill
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