Monday, December 10, 2007
Millionaire Mind: How To Think LIke A Millionaire

Recently I have been listening to Brian Tracy's "Million Dollar Habits." If you haven't picked up this CD compilation I highly recommend it.
Brian Tracy goes through his struggles to learn to make his first million & painfully it struck a cord with me. He stated that in his 20's he set a goal to be a millionaire by age 30. His thirtieth birthday came & went & yet he still wasn't a millionaire so, he moved his millionaire goal to 35 which also left him struggling financially & so he moved it to 40.
Finally, he realized that if you want to be a carpenter you study carpentry, if you want to learn to be a lawyer you study law. He, like me, had a goal to be a millionaire yet, he like myself had never put the time into learning what it takes to be a millionaire.
What do millionaires do, how do they think, what do they read, how do they handle situations.
I have been thinking about this with great intensity. I put also all my waking thoughts into how can I turn things around.
We have filed for WIC & Medicad. Amazing. Once I was making $70,000 dollars a month. I traveled to Greece, Costa Rica would travel to an exclusive, members only resort in high Rockies to go mountain biking, now my wife goes to the local grocery store with food stamps.
Very, very simple. We put ourselves here.
That's complex. We thought ourselves here. We, or at least I secretly harbored fears that we would lose our money & we did. I didn't put the time & effort into thinking like a millionaire; now I do.
How To Think Like A Millionaire & Become A Millionaire
NOTE: You make a total commitment to changing yourself from the inside out. This isn't a one time effort. You can't follow the elementary teachings of The Secret & merely say, "I'm a millionaire" thinking you've put it out there to the Universe/God etc & then sit back & dream you millions into your lap. Trust doesn't work.
This revolutionary technique must be practiced twice a day for 15 minutes in the morning & 15 minutes in the evening. You must find a quiet spot where you won't be bothered; even if you have to put a chair in the closet or go sit in your car in the garage while your spouse watches the kids, that's fine. But, you need to be dedicated to it & do it for at least 30 days.
Step One: Clear you mind. You have to completely clear your mind of all thoughts of doubt, fear & uncertainty. Typically this doesn't happen instantly, you have to work at it. The best way I've found is that two thoughts can't occupy the mind at the same time; though they may flip back & forth in your mind quickly it's impossible for two thoughts to occupy the mind at the same time. Therefore, the trick is to first recognize what it is that you're thinking about; if it's not how to become or be a millionaire then change your thoughts.
Start by taking four deep breaths, to a count of four when you breathe in & four counts breathing out. What this does is slow your heart rate down & actually begins a physiological response to literally change your mind by changing your brain wave patterns to a state of learning.
After you've counted to four you should be relaxed. Now, begin counting down from 50 to 1 as you breathe in & out. You will notice a lot of thoughts coming into your mind that are the random chaos of life; acknowledge them & then push them aside. You may try saying a simple word, 'SUCCESS' over & over as you slowly count down.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Wealth Principle: Thoughts lead to Feelings, Feelings lead to actions, Actions lead to results
As a child we were each taught how to feel about money & wealth. You & I were taught a certain mindset about how to either financially create or destroy ourselves. These teachings became our conditioning, which automatically became our responses during our lives when we deal with money.
Here's an interesting question to pose to yourself.....
"Where did my thoughts concerning money & wealth come from? Why do I think differently from the next person, my friends or even, family members?"
My father was raised as one of 14 children of a crop sharer. He & his siblings grew up in the post-Depression era. Due to this national mentality about money they too became scarce in their thinking.
Their scarcity continues to this day both personally & with their children. My cousins live on welfare, church charity & on asking others for help; it's always "The Man's" fault; they are never personally responsible for their situations.
Finally, my father & two other brothers actually broke free of this financial deathgrip.
Your thoughts originate in what's called "hidden programs" that run in your mind sub-consciously; do these thoughts or phrases sound familiar?
"What am I made of money?"
"Do you think money grows on trees?"
'We can't afford that!"
"I can't seem to get a break financially."
Etc., etc., etc.,
I remember hearing that we couldn't afford things, we were strapped financially. Even now you can still hear someone saying, 'Wow, that's expensive!'
All these phrases are negative financial phrases that repel financial success thus, the following model presents itself:
Programming (good or bad) leads to Thoughts which lead to Feelings that create Actions that equal Results.
How does this manifest in our lives or, in my case in my life?
I was raised with a scarcity mentality; we didn't know anyone in family that had ever been wealthy. I attended a high school in the northwest Houston area that had kids who would drive up in Porches & BMW's & park next to kids who were in beat-up farm trucks or, even worse walked or rode the bus because their families were too poor to afford a car.
We had families in our school district that had 10 to 15 bedroom homes on the Raveneaux Golf Club course & not 10 minute drive from there kids living in corrigated tin shanty hovels with old couches on the porch.
I was the son of a blue collar mechanic who had left school in the 10th grade. I had never heard of entreprenuerism, or the difference between working for a living or creating multiple streams of income.
My programming ran deep & was hard wired into my psyche; we were a middle-class, blue collar family & dad had to work a lot of overtime to make whatever money we had. To my parents credit, we were all told that when we went college not if we went to college things would improve as we learned to help ourselves.
My mothers family was similar. My grandmother was from England but, had been brought over by my grandfather after WWII. He was also was the son of a poor East Texas farmer. My grandfather had a 3rd grade education & drove a fuel truck through the backwoods of East Texas.
Growing up, for a time, my mother & her family lived in a log cabin in the woods. Needless to say, money for them & later, my mother was always a factor.
Fast forward to my life & marriage.
When we married, I lived in an 100 year old home with some buddies, sleeping on the floor with some blankets, two bikes, some books, my computer & I had $500 dolllars in the bank. My wife by contrast, because of my wifes family situation had been supporting herself financially since she was 8 years old by making pies, baby-sitting & cleaning. When we married she had paid cash for all her cars, had traveled & lived in Israel, Mexico & Canada. She had stocks & investments; she had broke out of the grasp of her upbringing but, I was still a slave to the programming of my family.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Millionaire Thoughts: How to get your mind clear for maximum results
Here's what I do to get clear...
1. CHECK MY EMOTIONS: This is the classic THOUGHTS lead to FEELINGS, feelings lead to ACTIONS, actions lead to RESULTS.
If my thoughts are constantly on the fact that I've lost my nice home in the nice area it was in & that I went from making a tremendous amount of money each month to a lot less thoughts spiral downward thus creating negative, low-level energy feelings which thereafter lead to self-defeating actions which finally result in status quo.
By thoroughly checking my emotions, I ensure that they are high-level, positive emotions that will result in the effect I want. Since this newsgroup is dedicated to having a millionair mindset, I continually repeat to myself, "I am a multi-millionaire & I'm financial successful.'
After beginning this new, high-energy weatlh building thought, I go over what it feels like to be a millionaire.
Now, I've had the previlege to know first-hand several multi-millionaires who built a tremendous level of wealth. With this envaluable experience I can truly think & feel how it feels to be a multimillionaire.
One mult-millionaire that I know is very giving to our community; he has set up a large museum to which I take my kids on a frequent basis. Another multi-millionaire that is a personal friend of my wife paid for her all of her college & sent her on several medical relief trips to different areas of the world.
These creative, clear & give wealth building thoughts give rise to feelings of wealth & prosperity. Holding the feelings of abundance, wealth & prosperity then move me to money making actions & activities. I now are mentally charged to make that next sales phone call, talk to that new, potential client & create that next money making email that I will sent out to my mailing list.
I also have the added bonus of having had a small taste of financial success. As I began my rise to my first million dollars, IPublish Post found that I was more giving, more compassionate. If a person who was down on their luck approached me I would ask them if they were really hungry or, if they wanted the money for some other reason. I don't believe it's my position to judge but, I will not enable someone in their destructive lifestyles. Therefore, I would often take someone into a local restaurant & have them order whatever they wanted & I would then have the kitchen create two more orders for them to take with them.
This made me feel wonderful; not that I was the lord of the manor but, that I had the financial where with all to help more than I normally would.
2. CONTINUE IN MY HIGH-LEVEL THOUGHTS: I continue to monitor my thoughts to ensure that I have high level, millionair mind set thoughts.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Rules of Wealth
Wealth Rule #1 I believe “I create My life”
Wealth Rule #2 I play the money game to win.Wealth Rule #3 I am committed to being wealthy.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wealth Affirmations & Vision Statements: How to manifest money
I been working on fine tuning the correct manifestation affirmations that I use.
Currently I feel that when you sit & meditate, pray, etc (whatever is your preferred method) that you should speak as if the object or event is in the now & currently exists in your life rather than stating something such as...
"I hope one day to be a millionaire," or "I'd love to be wealthy." I even personally feel that stating "I intend to be wealthy" is still not positive & faithful enough as it's still a future tense statement meaning you'll never achieve your goal as you 'intend' to do or have whatever it is that you're desiring.
If you've been reading my blog, I was once on my way to being a millionaire & a financially secure life however; I lost it. I was making my fortune in investing before I knew anything the Law of Attraction however; as we all know, the Law of Attraction still operates whether you know about it or agree with. I lost my fortune because I grew prideful & began to fear losing the money.
Now after having done extensive work with the various Laws Of The Universe such as the Law Of Attraction, The Law Of Reciprocity, etc., I have come to the conclusion that in order to manifest properly in your life you must do the following steps:1. KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T WANT: Know what it is that you don't want in your life. This is controversial because people will say that you're focusing on the negative but, I would disagree because there must be opposition in all things & knowing what it is that you DON'T want helps to more fully define what it that you DO want.
2. KNOW WHAT YOU DO WANT: You need to figure out what it is that you want in your life; health, wealth, knowledge, love, friendship etc.
3. FULLY CLARIFY YOUR DESIRES: I personally sat down & created 101 goals for my life in each of the 5 major areas...Physical, Spiritual, Financial, Social, and Intellectual. I am currently writing Vision Statements for each goal; here's an example:
Goal: Personal Net Worth of 4.5 million by 2013.
Vision Statement: My business is booming. I have a monthly net income of $60,000 dollars coming from various sources.
I see myself I coming through the gate onto my short, private drive that is lined with beautiful, full-leaved tress. I pull up in my G500 Mercedes into the circular driveway of in front of my 6,200 square foot Mediterranean style home that's nestled in the foothills on 5 acres of private land.
It’s evening & the sunlight is hitting the copper highlights of my roof. I can see 2 of my children are out back playing on the play equipment. I come into the side of the house into the kitchen; my wife is there working with our oldest daughter on homework.
The tile in the kitchen is large & well-laid; the lighting is bright & the home has a welcoming feel to it. I have been meeting with clients for a few hours & I'm getting ready to take a short vacation with my family. I head into my home office. On my glass & Mahogany desk I have two large monitors that display a new website I'm working on. I drop off my laptop & head through the door into our master bedroom. Etc. etc.
In this vision statement I am explicit in details. I really want to fully intend all the aspects of my goal not simply say 'I intend to have nice home.' This type of statement is worthless & will get you a 'nice home.' I grew up in a simple, 1900 square foot rambler in east
In this step you need to go into detail on each goal you intend to manifest. God, the Universe or whatever you believe in needs the details.
4. MAKE A SIMPLIFIED VERSION OF THE MAJOR GOAL: In my case, "I am a multi millionaire. I have a net worth of $4.5 million dollars & make $65,000 dollars a month."
5. SET THE INTENTION: You need to fully state the intention to the Universe. You need to state the intention in its fullness so that there's no mistake about the intension.
6. WORK TOWARDS THE INTENTION: You need to work towards the intention. I can't get back my home that I once had if I choose to sit in the living room of the home we're currently renting & 'dream of my millions.' Faith without works is DEAD. You need to work towards your goals & continue to manifest.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
WEALTH PRINCPLE: Money is a result of your thoughts
Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Robert G. Allen, Stephen Cooper....etc, etc. who are they? How did they become the 'gurus' of making it rich?
It's is completely based on all of them having a Millionaire Mind. They have mastered the mental game of wealth & the fruits can easily be seen.
This blog is a personal journey of re-discovery. Several years ago I was making $70,000 dollars a read that correctly...$70,000 dollars a month. I was on course to make over $800,000 dollars a year then it was all taken away from me. WHY? Because of my fears, my pride & my attitude.
How can someone be on course to becoming a millionaire & then lose it? My mind set. I didn't have a millionaire mind. Yes, I was making money but, I secretly feared losing the money.
"What if I lose all this money?"
"What about how to secure this somehow so I don't have it taken away from me?"
Notice a pattern? FEAR
How can fear cause you to lose your money? 'As a Man Thinketh In His Heart, So Is He.' You become what you think about. Though I was making great money, I was consumed by fear & pride, led to my losing my stream of income.
How this has affected my lifestyle
Until recently I lived in a spacious two-story 3800 square foot home that had a fully finished basement, two kitchens, 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths & 1 half bath. It was a beautiful home complete with faux painted interior, a nice rocked lawn & set in the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains.
Our lifestyle afforded us trips to Europe to hang out in Greece. I traveled to Australia & hiked in the Outback. We went to the Caribbean on a cruise. It as a fairy tale life.
Then it all unraveled.
When our investments stopped paying we kept on playing. We began to live on the equity in our home--STUPID.
We still acted as if we had the money but we were living a lie. At that time I had never read Robert Kiyosaki's 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad.' I had a vague idea of financial planning but, at the time I felt that we were bullet-proof; we were making gangster cash & living it up....what could happen to us?
After about two years of living this way we reached a crisis. The home equity was drying up fast. I needed to go & look for a J.O.B. I hadn't worked for anyone for nearly 3 years & I dreaded the thought.
A friend of mine was the CEO of local business that serviced the ultra rich & wealthy & he needed someone to take over the marketing & sales of his company with the caveat that I was to be groomed to eventually take over the company so that he could move on to other ventures. I would be set.
I took the job & within a few months had won contracts & bids that equaled nearly $1.9 million dollars! But, this was too little too late.
The company was nearly $4 million dollars in debt & they couldn't afford to keep me so, after 6 months I was unemployed AGAIN. I looked around for something, I needed to get something. I heard of another company doing sales. I had been in sales for nearly 15 years, I would knock it out of the park.
I began to work & started seeing success but, it was up & down...typical sales.
So, now to the present....I'm still there.
This blog will be a moving journey of my climb back to success. I invite you to journey with me as I re-create myself & move back on track to earning a million dollars.
Eternal Principles That Will Make You Wealthy
My income can grow only to the extent I do!
If I want to change the fruits, I will first have to change the roots. If I want to change the visible, I must first change the invisible.
Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, and my weight is a result. We live in a world of cause and effect.
Give me five minutes, and I can predict my financial future for the rest of my life.
Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results.
When the subconscious mind must choose between deeply rooted emotions and logic, emotions will almost always win.
If my motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a no supportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to “prove” Myself, My money will never bring I happiness.
The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat. In the same way, the only way to change my level of financial success “permanently” is to reset my financial thermostat.
Consciousness is observing my thoughts and actions so that I can live from true choice in the present moment rather than being run by programming from the past.
I can choose to think in ways that will support me in my happiness and success instead of ways that don’t.
Money is extremely important in the areas in which it works, and extremely unimportant in the areas in which it doesn’t.
When I am complaining, I become a living, breathing “crap magnet.”
There is no such thing as a really rich victim!
If my goal is to be comfortable, chances are I’ll never get rich. But if my goal is to be rich, chances are I’ll end up mighty comfortable.
The number one reason most people don’t get what they want is that they don’t know what they want.
If I am not fully, totally, and truly committed to creating wealth, chances are I won’t.
The Law of Income: I will be paid in direct proportion to the value I deliver according to the marketplace.
“Bless that which I want.”—Huna philosophy
Leaders earn a heck of a lot more money than followers!
The secret to success is not to try to avoid or get rid or shrink from my problems; the secret is to grow myself so that I are bigger that any problem.
If I have a big problem in my life, all that means is that I am being a small person.
If I say that I’m worthy, I am. If I say that I’m not worthy, I’m not. Either way I will live into my story.
“If a hundred-foot oak tree had the mind of a human, it would only grow to be ten foot tall.” –T. Harv Eker
For every giver there must be a receiver, and for every receiver there must be a giver.
Money will only make me more of what I already am.
How I do anything is how I do everything.
There’s nothing wrong with getting a steady paycheck, unless it interferes with my ability to earn what I’m worth. There’s the rub. It usually does.
Never have a ceiling on my income.
Rich people believe “I can have I cake and eat it too.” Middle-class people believe “Cake is too rich, so I’ll have a little piece.” Poor people don’t believe they deserve cake, so they order a doughnut, focus on the hole, and wonder why they have “nothing.”
The true measure of wealth is net worth, not working income.
“Where attention goes, energy flows and results show.”
Until I show that I can handle what I’ve got, I won’t get any more!
The habit of managing my money is more important than the amount.
Either control my money, or it will control me.
Rich people see every dollar as a “seed” that can be planted to earn a hundred more dollars, which can then be replanted to earn a thousand more dollars.
Action is the “bridge” between the inner world and the outer world.
A true warrior can “tame the cobra of fear.”
It is not necessary to get rid of fear in order to succeed.
If I am willing to do what’s easy, life will be hard. But if I am willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.
The only time I am actually growing is when I am uncomfortable.
Training and managing my own mind is the most important skill I could ever own, in terms of both happiness and success.
I can be right or I can be rich, but I can’t be both.
“Every master was once a disaster.” –T. Harv Eker
To get paid the best, I must be the best.
My income can grow only to the extent I do!